Why Our Smart Beds Are Smarter Than the Rest

In early 2024, we revealed our new line of Flexabed accessories for smart beds. These accessories were designed with one goal in mind: to bring the future of sleep technology to your bedroom. We listened to our customers’ needs and created features that not only make life easier but also lead to a luxurious and personalized sleep experience.

Keeping up with the latest tech trends can be daunting, especially when it comes to something as fundamental as sleep. With so many brands releasing various ‘smart’ sleep products, it’s hard to know what is a good investment and what is just a fad.

At Flexabed, we know the struggle! That’s why we’ve been on a mission to make our beds not just smarter than the rest but simpler and more practical as well. After all, why shouldn’t your bed be as advanced as your smartphone or smart home devices while remaining easy to operate?

In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of all the reasons why we think investing in smart beds from Flexabed is a good idea. Keep reading to learn more about the technology and services we offer and discover how Flexabed can help you sleep smarter.

Embrace the Smart Bed Revolution

At Flexabed, we believe that innovation should make life easier and more enjoyable. That’s why our smart beds are equipped with the latest technology to enhance your comfort and convenience. From voice activation to Bluetooth connectivity, we’ve got you covered!

Voice Activation: Say Goodnight with Ease

With our new voice activation system, adjusting your bed has never been easier. Just say, “Hello Max” or “Hello Susan,” and you’re in control. Whether you want to raise the head, lower the foot, or activate the massage function, all you need is your voice. This feature is especially beneficial for those with limited mobility, providing hands-free control for a more comfortable and accessible experience.

Smart Bed App and Bluetooth Connectivity

Gone are the days of searching for the remote in the dark. With the Okin SmartBed app, your smartphone becomes your bed’s command center. Simply download the app, pair it with your Flexabed via Bluetooth, and enjoy full control at your fingertips. Adjust positions, set massage timers, and even program alarms to wake you up gently by changing the bed’s position or activating the massage function.

USB Plug-In: Stay Charged

In today’s digital age, staying connected is essential. That’s why our smart beds come with USB plug-ins, ensuring your devices are always charged and ready to go. Whether you need to charge your phone overnight or keep your tablet powered for a late-night movie, Flexabed has you covered!

Enhanced Bed Tech for a Simpler, Superior Experience

Our commitment to innovation means continually enhancing our bed technology. Flexabed smart beds feature intuitive controls, ensuring that everyone, from tech-savvy users to seniors, can enjoy the benefits of our advanced beds.

We understand that technology can sometimes be intimidating for seniors. That’s why Flexabed smart beds are designed with senior-friendly features. Our remotes have larger buttons, and our tech is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring that comfort and convenience are accessible to all.

The Future of Sleep is Here

Flexabed’s smart beds represent the future of sleep technology, combining modern design with high customizability and advanced features. Whether you’re looking for a bed that adjusts to your comfort needs, offers therapeutic massage, or keeps you connected with smart technology, Flexabed delivers!

Upgrade Your Sleep Today

Don’t wait to experience the future of sleep. Contact your nearest dealer to learn more about Flexabed’s smart beds and how they can revolutionize your nightly routine. Smart beds aren’t just about better sleep; they’re about a better lifestyle!

Experience smarter sleep with Flexabed – where technology and comfort meet.

If you're wondering how to sleep better, step one is find the right adjustable bed / mattress / frame combo.Ah, January. All things are fresh. Clean slates. Resolutions locked in. We’re all ready for bigger, and better things in the new year.

Though we’re all well acquainted with the “new year, new you” mentality, it’s time to apply that to our sleep habits and bedroom setups.

That’s why at Flexabed we’re saying “new year, new bed.” It’s no mystery how sleep affects us or how critical it is to our overall well-being, but are you putting your best foot forward on the sleep front? We’ve got some suggestions for you on how to sleep better. As you start this new year, why not upgrade your sleeping arrangements?

New Adjustable Mattress

When did you buy your adjustable mattress? Even if your mattress looks as good as new, it could be lacking in the support it provides you.

Maybe your mattress just doesn’t feel as comfortable or as supportive as it used to. If this is the case, it’s likely time to upgrade. Here are some tips on when to replace your mattress!

Even if your mattress isn’t too old or too worn, it still might not be the very best fit for you and your sleep needs. Take time to assess these things, because your sleep quality could very well depend on it.

*Check out our selection of Flexabed adjustable bed mattresses if you decide it is indeed time to upgrade in this department.

New Adjustable Bed Frame

What’s a new mattress without a new adjustable bed frame to go with it? If you’re really serious about upgrading your sleep setup, you won’t want to skimp on the bed frame. Perhaps it’s time to invest in a luxury adjustable bed so you can sleep like you never have before. Find the perfect customizable options from Flexabed, and enjoy a sleep experience that is truly a craft.

Custom-tailored for you and your preferences, our Flexabed adjustable bed frames set the standard for comfort and convenience. Raise and lower the frame, elevate your head or feet or both…you never have to be uncomfortable in bed again.

More Space, Better Sleep

If you're wondering how to sleep better, consider upgrading to a larger adjustable bed!

Another way to upgrade your sleep setup is by opting for a larger bed. Whether you’re moving from a twin to a full or a queen to a California king, more space in bed is never a bad thing.

Regardless of whether you sleep alone, have a partner, or have kids or pets who like to snuggle, choosing a larger mattress and bed frame means you won’t have to dodge midnight kicks or elbows. Side-sleepers can flip sides without a care in the world. Upgrade your bed size for added comfort and luxury in the new year!

Try a Weighted Blanket on Your Adjustable Bed

You’ve probably heard people raving about how wonderful weighted blankets are, but perhaps you’ve never taken the plunge to invest in one for yourself. The calming effect of a weighted blanket can decrease stress and worry while helping you achieve peaceful rest and incredible sleep.

The weight of the blanket can help reduce the amount of movement you make during the night, which can help to boost the amount of time spent in deep, rejuvenating sleep cycles. Leave tossing and turning behind, and enjoy a new year of quality rest.

Update Your Bedroom Lighting

Another way you can upgrade your sleep set up for the new year is with updated lighting in your bedroom. If you haven’t used smart light bulbs before, perhaps now is the time to give them a try. Program your lights to dim or brighten, and go off or on at specific times to help you set a sleep schedule and stick to it.

Use voice commands to adjust lighting or turn lights off when you’re ready to turn in for the night. Curate your lighting situation to work naturally with your circadian rhythm, and relax your way right into another year.

No matter what, we hope the new year brings you only the best things, including luxury Flexabed products, and consequently the best sleep of your life.

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

You wouldn’t try to bake a cake without preheating the oven or jump into an intense workout without a warmup, so why go to bed without taking steps to adequately prepare yourself for restful, productive sleep? If you want to drift off to dreamland and get the most out of those (hopefully) eight blissful hours– try incorporating these ways to wind down before bed into your bedtime rituals.

Establish a Nightly Routine

Did you know that disruptions to your daily routine can affect the quality and duration of your sleep at night? What does getting ready for bed entail for you? Maybe you run through your skincare routine, read a little bit, or go through a guided meditation. Establishing a routine with patterns that help signal to the brain that it’s bedtime, can go a long way. Another great tip is to set a bedtime for yourself, and do your best to stick to it. We are creatures of habit, and our bodies respond well to healthy patterns we set for ourselves.

Really, the importance of a bedtime routine goes all the way back to childhood. Parents can attest that consistent bedtime routines have the power to relieve cranky infants, often helping children to fall asleep faster and wake up less often throughout the night.

Don’t Stare at the Clock

Believe it or not, obsessing about the time is not going to be a productive catalyst for great sleep. It’s best to turn your alarm clock away from you, or turn the brightness way down on your phone when you’re in bed, so you aren’t tempted to watch the time tick by.

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

Focus on Your Breath

If you’re trying to get to sleep, but you’re feeling anxious or having a hard time relaxing, try some simple breathing exercises. Just a few minutes of slow, intentional breathing can work wonders for calming the mind and body. This is a great technique to employ in all sorts of scenarios, but can also be particularly helpful in winding down for bed. Ready to try it? Check out these simple breathing techniques for sleep.

Take a Warm Bath

Your body begins to produce melatonin in the evening to help prepare you for sleep. This is a part of the body’s hormonal changes that work with your sleep-wake cycle, and as melatonin production begins, your core body temperature begins to drop. For this reason, sometimes mimicking a nighttime drop in body temp with a warm soak in the tub can trigger the brain’s message that signals it’s time for sleep. Baths are also notoriously relaxing, and an excellent way to unwind before bed.

Prep Your Bedroom

If you want to achieve restful and productive sleep, it helps to set yourself up for success. Prepare your bedroom to be the best possible environment for great sleep by removing clutter that can cause stress, keep it cool and dark, and ensure your bedding is comfortable and supportive.

Having the right setup is an imperative component of getting great sleep. Do you have the best possible bed and mattress combo for you? Great bedding? The right pillows? Check out our customizable adjustable beds by Flexabed if it’s time for an upgrade in that department.

These ways to wind down before bed can help you find a good nighttime rhythm that promotes better sleep on an ongoing basis. Figuring out a routine that works best for you, and tailoring it to your personal needs and preferences can make all the difference. We know once you get into the right bedtime habits, you’ll be so glad you did. Cheers to consistency, great sleep, and sweet dreams– especially in a Flexabed!

Honor Your Resolutions in a Flexabed

If your new year’s resolution this year is to prioritize great sleep, our team at Flexabed is in full support. It’s no secret that healthy, restful sleep provides a whole host of both physical and mental benefits, and truthfully, getting great sleep can unlock success in a lot of other popular resolutions as well. Popular new year’s resolutions such as losing weight, improving fitness, running a marathon, or being more successful at work, are made all the more possible by consistent, rejuvenating sleep.
the Reap the Benefits of Adjustable Beds in a Flexabed

Achieve it in a Flexabed

When you’ve homed in on your resolution to prioritize getting better sleep, how will you go about accomplishing the task? We’ve got a few ideas that may help you in your goal, and the first one is– get the right bed. It’s important when establishing resolutions and personal goals that you do everything you can on the forefront to set yourself up for success. If you’re sleeping on an old mattress that needs to be replaced, odds are, you won’t be as apt to get that great rest you seek. That likely means it’s time to upgrade!

At Flexabed, our customizable adjustable beds have been providing sleep solutions for our customers for more than a half century. We know we make an incredible product, and we’re confident in its ability to elevate the caliber of sleep our customers are able to unlock for themselves each night. The customized comfort and easy-to-use controls of a Flexabed allow you to find your most comfortable sleep position and hopefully fall asleep faster, achieve critical REM sleep, and wake up less times throughout the night.

The Benefits of Adjustable Beds

Everyone is different and everyone has different sleep needs and preferences. That’s why Flexabed provides such flexibility to help sleepers access their perfect sleep positions. But in addition to making personal comfort more achievable, there are other potential benefits of adjustable beds that may also aid in one’s ability to get great, restful sleep at night. It’s possible for adjustable beds to help with issues like snoring, acid reflux, and even back pain– all of which can serve as hindrances to sound sleep. The fact of the matter is, in some cases, just the simplest of adjustments can make all the difference, and have you sleeping better in no time.

The Joy of Sleep

There’s no denying that we are much more likely as humans to do things we enjoy doing. For that reason, perhaps it’s time for you to put the joy back in sleeping by purchasing a bed you really love. Updating your bedroom with a new sleep set up can also serve to inspire you to prioritize sleep more. When your room, and more specifically your bed, is a place you look forward to spending time, you’ll be more likely to turn in early at night, and make the time and space you need in your schedule to get the best possible sleep. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of adjustable beds while also resolving to get better sleep, make it all happen in a Flexabed! Check out our line of adjustable beds and our various mattress options to figure out what makes most sense for you. Here’s to making and keeping resolutions, and sleeping like babies.

6 Tips to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up at Night

We’ve all been there. You toss. Turn. You can’t seem to turn off your brain. You worry about how much time you have left to get that much-needed rest. You stress about how the next day will go if you’re running on too few Zs. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to help promote a great night’s rest. There are several trusted tricks and tips to fall back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. Here are a few things to try next time sleep attempts to evade you.

1– Eliminate bright lights and sounds.

If you wake in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back asleep, try to turn off any lights in or around your bedroom that could be adding to your sleep disruption. Ambient light, light streaming in from windows, and LED light from screens can make it more difficult to fall back asleep. If sounds are a problem too, try earplugs, a fan, or other white noise machines to help drown out the sounds that are keeping you awake.

2– Get out of bed and move around.

Sometimes you just get stuck in a swirling headspace and can’t go back to sleep. If this happens to you, we recommend getting out of bed and going into another room for a while. You can try reading for a few minutes (with just enough light on to see the pages easily), or listen to music to wind back down. Music encourages our bodies to relax and can actually lull you back to sleep. Calming music is best, especially instrumental music like classical or jazz. 

You can also try meditating in another room to calm your senses. Taking deep breaths and clearing your mind can improve sleep. If you get up, make sure you don’t do anything stressful or laborious. Just give your body a chance to relax again before returning to your bed. If you wake up, it’s a good idea to get out of bed for a bit so your brain doesn’t begin to associate the bed with wakefulness.

3– Avoid your phone and other screens.

The blue light that smartphones and other electronic devices emit can actually suppress your body’s production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone your body produces that helps regulate circadian rhythm and sleep cycles. It’s best to try to avoid your cell phone and other screens when you wake in the night. You can also switch them to night mode to reduce your exposure to blue light should you need to check them. That said, looking at devices can also stimulate the brain again, keeping you in a state of unrest.

6 Tips to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up at Night

4– Avoid repeatedly checking the clock.

When you are already having a hard time falling back asleep, having staring contests with the clock is a bad idea. You’ll lose this content every time. Checking the time over and over again can make you feel anxious, which is counterproductive when you’re trying to drift back into restful sleep.

5– Intentionally relax your muscles.

One thing that can help you fall asleep more easily is performing a full-body scan of sorts. This trick is called progressive muscle relaxation. First, you close your eyes and focus on slow breathing. Think about your face, relaxing each muscle intentionally. Move down to the neck and shoulders and relax them, too. Continue systematically relaxing all the muscles in your body all the way down to your feet. The idea here is that you can lull yourself into such a relaxed state that you’ll eventually be able to fall back asleep.

6– Try sleep apps.

A lot of people find that using various sleep applications helps them fall asleep more quickly or fall back asleep after being awakened. These apps are designed to help you feel relaxed through stories, sounds, music, and other techniques. Many of them offer free trials to allow you to test their effectiveness before you commit. Here is a list by Good Housekeeping of the best sleep apps to download in 2023.

If you try out some of these tips, we hope they help you get better rest and deeper sleep. Of course, there are some sleep disorders that require medical expertise. In these cases, experts recommend seeing sleep specialists to find the underlying issues and get you on track to a better night’s rest.

In addition to finding what works best for you to help you get back to sleep after waking in the night, it’s also important to set yourself up for sleep success in every other way you can. One way to do this is by curating a peaceful sleep space with the perfect bed for you, your body, and your sleep needs. Check out our line of Flexabed adjustable beds, and start paving the way toward peaceful sleep today.

Control your remote control bed with simple controls

We live in a time in which essentially everything can be automated, from programmable thermostats to smart lights to everything in between. Every household appliance can be as feature rich as you like. Robotic vacuum cleaners can keep floors tidy on a timer. So why is your bed still stationary and disenchanting? We’ve got 5 reasons why life is better with a remote control bed, and if you don’t have one already, we bet you’ll be shopping for them by the time you’ve finished reading this blog.

1– Comfort

When it comes to sleep, comfort matters. If you constantly toss and turn at night, and struggle to get into a comfortable position, that means you’re also missing out on quality sleep time in the process. When you have a remote control bed that is adjustable, you can tweak the settings to help you achieve the most comfortable positions whenever you need to, with the simple press of a button.

2– Convenience

Remote control beds are also incredibly convenient. Say you want to elevate your tired feet for a while– there’s a button for that! Perhaps you’d like to elevate your head so you can read for a while, or enjoy a movie before bed? You guessed it. There’s a button for that. It’s just so easy.

3– Improved Sleep

Many people with adjustable remote control beds also find that they are able to get better sleep in them than in their old, stationary counterparts. Some may find that they can alleviate snoring, or back pain, or even acid reflux by finding the right positions for sleep in their adjustable beds. Being able to achieve comfortable sleep positions can go a long way when it comes to getting the best rest you possibly can each night when you turn in.

With a remote control bed, you'll be sleeping in the lap of luxury

4– Usefulness

When you can easily configure the position and shape of your bed with a remote control, that bed actually becomes a lot more useful to you. You can sit up, you can lie down flat, you can try different combinations of adjustments, and you can do it all so simply. Your bed can double as an ultra-comfortable reading chair, a space to play board games with loved ones, a make-shift movie theater, and so much more.

5– Luxury

Rest is so important, and ultimately we all deserve access to rejuvenating restful sleep. A remote control bed is a luxury we at Flexabed think everyone should have, because what could be more important than healthy sleep? Having a luxurious, custom adjustable bed at home can also transform the way you think about bedtime. Perhaps having the right remote control bed will make it easier to prioritize the caliber of sleep your body needs and deserves to get every night? This may seem like a luxury, but it’s also incredibly necessary.

So, are you convinced yet? If you’re in the market for a new, cozy, custom, comfortable-as-can-be remote control bed, look no further than Flexabed. We manufacture a full line of mattresses, adjustable bed bases, and many accessories ready to be leveraged for your best sleep ever. Why not start now?

Hi Low Beds

It’s 2023, friends, so if you’re still sleeping on an old, generic mattress that isn’t custom tailored to your own personal sleep needs like our Hi Low beds…well, you’re missing out.

Our team at Flexabed has devoted 50+ years to the development and production of quality adjustable beds that promote incredible sleep, comfort, and care for those who need it. It isn’t hard to see why this particular product is among our best selling adjustable beds. Our Hi Low beds offer unrivaled comfort, customization, and ease of access.

Not only is this adjustable bed ideal for any person with limited mobility, but it also offers a perfect alternative to a hospital bed for home. Available in many different configurations, the Hi-Low SL also allows sleepers with special needs to continue to share beds with their partners through the split king option. Imagine being able to prop up and read while your partner snoozes, or being able to elevate your legs without disrupting your partner at night. With the Flexabed Hi-Low SL, you can do just that.

Make our Hi Low beds perfect through customization. Start by selecting a comfortable mattress type that makes most sense for you. Then, add on features like bed side rails, or even built in speakers or under bed lights for enhanced safety. The Hi Low SL is already an incredible product, but you can make it all your own with all our customization options. Bedtime has never been quite this exciting.

Learn more about this feature-rich adjustable bed option that lowers down to an impressive degree through our website. Its accessibility sets it a cut above other adjustable bed models, and we believe that one night of sleep in the Hi-Low SL will change your sleep game forever.

Features of Flexabed Hi-Low Beds SL–

  • The simple touch of a button raises and lowers the bed base vertically for incredible accessibility
  • You can sleep next to your loved one, even if you have different sleep needs, with the dual king option
  • A luxury alternative to hospital beds for home, it’s an ideal bed for those in home health care or assisted living environments
  • Various mattress options are available
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

Full Hi-Low Specs:

Height with Hi-Low Fully Lowered

  • From floor to top of foundation with no mattress- 11” (13.25” with casters)
  • From floor to top of low profile mattress- 16.5” (18.75” with casters)
  • From floor to top of quilted-top mattress- 20-⅝” (22-⅞” with casters)
  • From floor to top of gel mattress- 21” (23.25” with casters)

With Hi-Low Fully Raised*

  • From floor to top of foundation with no mattress- 18.5” (20.75” with casters)
  • From floor to top of low profile mattress- 24” (26.25” with casters)
  • Floor to top of quilted mattress- 28-⅛” (30-⅜” with casters)
  • Floor to top of gel mattress- 28.5” (30.75” with casters)

If you’re aiming for the best night’s sleep of your life, the Flexabed Hi-Low SL just might be the ticket. Comfortable. Customizable. Flexible. Flexabed.

This Spring, help mom and dad get a great night’s rest with a luxurious king size innerspring mattress! At Flexabed, our specialty is creating adjustable beds designed to improve comfort and convenience, and we offer two innerspring selections for those beds (or to purchase separately).

Our innerspring and innerspring / memory foam combo mattresses are both available for Premier and Hi-Low SL models, with the innerspring also being an option for our Value Flex beds. So help Mom and Dad enjoy Spring in the most relaxed state imaginable on the best springs money can buy!

Why Pick a King Size Innerspring Mattress

Deluxe Innerspring MattressesOur innerspring mattresses offer a great range of potential benefits, especially for those who suffer from back pain or joint pain. Thanks to the Flexabed technology that is behind the design of our mattresses, the springs offer the perfect combination of extra-responsive support and motion isolation for those who need it. In addition, the durable, supportive surface provides comfort and stability right where it’s needed most, at the major pressure points– shoulders, hips, and knees.

This unique combination of responsive coils with supportive cushion filling enables innerspring mattresses to remain firmer than other types while still providing unbeatable comfort. With all these aspects working together in tandem, it’s no surprise that innerspring mattresses are one of the most established types of mattresses on the market today.

Or Consider a Memory Foam / King Size Innerspring Mattress

Cross section of our king size innerspring mattress showing the springs inside.

If you’re looking for a mattress that can adapt to your parents’ sleep position, an innerspring/memory foam combo is an excellent choice. Not only is it softer near the top, but it also provides plenty of support where needed through the innerspring core. It is especially ideal for people who tend to get hot when sleeping as its more open design promotes optimal airflow and keeps sleepers cool throughout the night.

Our innerspring/memory foam mattress has a multi-layered quilted topper and solid non-slip base, which provides maximum comfort while allowing the mattress to move along with the bed frame’s movement. If your parents struggle to stay cool during sleep or find themselves shifting positions often, this combination is a great option.

Spring for a Flexabed for Mom and Dad

Flexabed offers customers an extensive selection of mattresses when it comes to comfort and affordability. Again, our innerspring/memory foam combo is available in Premier and Hi-Low SL models, allowing for a range of firmnesses and making for an excellent option for sleepers with joint issues.

Additionally, our innerspring mattresses are durable, easy to customize, and come in three options – Premier, Hi-Low SL, and Value Flex – so that you can find the perfect one to meet your parents’ unique needs. Each mattress is made with quality materials to help them get a good night’s rest every night. A comfortable mattress from Flexabed means investing in years of restful nights, so this Spring, why not spring for a king size innerspring mattress for Mom and Dad?

Fall in love with Flexabed's custom adjustable beds

5 Reasons to Fall in Love With Flexabed

With Valentine’s Day, the holiday of love, just around the corner, we wanted to take time to highlight all the things there are to love about Flexabed’s custom adjustable beds. Our luxurious and highly-configurable adjustable beds are the best of the best, and there are plenty of reasons to upgrade your sleep set up just in time for the month of love.

1– Customizability

Flexabed products are about as customizable as can be, so customers can have them hand-built to their exact preferences. Think about the power of a custom adjustable bed that is so craft it’s like having a suit tailored to fit just right. No Goldilocks issues here, because Flexabed can be customized to be perfect for any customer. Customize yours today!

2– Comfort

We all know what it’s like to lie in bed, tossing and turning in an effort to get comfortable, but custom adjustable beds make that comfort a lot more achievable. Flexabed beds can be endlessly configured to help sleepers achieve their perfect positions for comfort. Raise it, lower it, elevate the head, elevate the legs, elevate both– whatever feels best. Get comfortable with the push of a button. It’s never been so simple! You can also choose from our six different mattress types for a custom-tailored bed that is just right for you. 

3– Luxury

Handcrafted with only the highest-quality materials. Whisper-quiet motor and push-button controls. Programmable memory positions and optional wave massage. Crawling into a Flexabed is like being in the lap of luxury– the ultimate in customizable comfort. Our beds are even now made with new, luxurious fabrics that make them even more special. 

Custom adjustable beds from Flexabed are more than just beds

4– Multifunction

For some, a bed is not merely a place to sleep at night. For some, a bed is a sanctuary, a respite from the world. Maybe the bed is a place to read or snuggle with your kids. Maybe a bed is a place to recoup when you’ve been unwell or had surgery. Regardless, having a custom adjustable bed means more functionality and great ways to use it.

5– Made for Sharing

Sharing a bed with a partner can be equal parts endearing and frustrating. Maybe you have different sleep position preferences, or maybe one of you needs to have your head elevated to breathe better. Perhaps one of you likes to stay up reading, while the other wants to go to sleep immediately. Well, with the split king option Flexabed offers, you can share the custom adjustable bed with your loved one with the flexibility to still do your own thing. Each person can select their preferred mattress type, one could prefer the Premier and the other the Hi-Low bed– and with the split king configuration, that is completely achievable.

No matter how you dice it, there are many reasons to love Flexabed custom adjustable beds. From comfort to customizability to added functionality, Flexabed means better sleep and a custom kind of comfort anyone can benefit from. There’s just so much to love.

Flexabed – Your Luxury At-Home Alternative

In most situations, a hospital bed isn’t necessary, but the features they provide sure would be nice. A Flexabed Hi-Lo adjustable bed is a luxury alternative to a hospital bed and may help improve comfort and relieve pain for you or your loved one. These beds could also provide multiple lifestyle benefits that could help improve your or your partner’s sleep.

A Better Solution Than Earplugs

Do you or your partner snore? It can be embarrassing for the snorer and infuriating for the partner. It even drives some couples to sleep apart for the sake of shut-eye. A big benefit to an adjustable bed is that it could help reduce snoring, all you have to do is elevate the position of the snorer’s head slightly. Snoring is caused by tongue and soft tissues narrowing airways, which easily happens when sleeping flat on a bed. Elevating the head enables air to flow more freely.

Hi Low Beds

Be More Comfortable Before Bed

If you enjoy watching TV before bed or reading a book while your partner sleeps in, you can do activities like these with ease on a Flexabed adjustable bed. Easily adjust the position of the bed to raise your head and see the television, and maybe also bring your feet up a little to reduce back pressure while you’re at it. No more straining your neck or shoulders when trying to relax, and no more strategically placed pillows.

Massages On-Demand

One luxury feature that a Flexabed offers that a hospital bed lacks is our optional massage add-ons. Recline in your adjustable bed and enjoy a massage while you unwind. Control the intensity of the massage with your remote control and feel your body loosen up after a long day at work. For split bases, couples have the benefit of personalized relaxation and massage options.

Some GERD News

If you or your partner has Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), a Flexabed Hi-Lo bed could be a good way to get a better night’s sleep. By sleeping with your head and body partially elevated, gravity will help keep your stomach down (literally) and could prevent heartburn. Or, if you regularly have swollen legs or feet, an adjustable base can adjust your position so your legs are slightly elevated.

Flexabed: Luxury Alternatives to a Hospital Bed

An adjustable bed could drastically change the way you sleep. If you’re looking for the best night of sleep possible, a Flexabed just might help you find it. To learn more, call us at (800) 648-1256 or send a message through the contact form on our site with any questions or concerns.

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