Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

You wouldn’t try to bake a cake without preheating the oven or jump into an intense workout without a warmup, so why go to bed without taking steps to adequately prepare yourself for restful, productive sleep? If you want to drift off to dreamland and get the most out of those (hopefully) eight blissful hours– try incorporating these ways to wind down before bed into your bedtime rituals.

Establish a Nightly Routine

Did you know that disruptions to your daily routine can affect the quality and duration of your sleep at night? What does getting ready for bed entail for you? Maybe you run through your skincare routine, read a little bit, or go through a guided meditation. Establishing a routine with patterns that help signal to the brain that it’s bedtime, can go a long way. Another great tip is to set a bedtime for yourself, and do your best to stick to it. We are creatures of habit, and our bodies respond well to healthy patterns we set for ourselves.

Really, the importance of a bedtime routine goes all the way back to childhood. Parents can attest that consistent bedtime routines have the power to relieve cranky infants, often helping children to fall asleep faster and wake up less often throughout the night.

Don’t Stare at the Clock

Believe it or not, obsessing about the time is not going to be a productive catalyst for great sleep. It’s best to turn your alarm clock away from you, or turn the brightness way down on your phone when you’re in bed, so you aren’t tempted to watch the time tick by.

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

Focus on Your Breath

If you’re trying to get to sleep, but you’re feeling anxious or having a hard time relaxing, try some simple breathing exercises. Just a few minutes of slow, intentional breathing can work wonders for calming the mind and body. This is a great technique to employ in all sorts of scenarios, but can also be particularly helpful in winding down for bed. Ready to try it? Check out these simple breathing techniques for sleep.

Take a Warm Bath

Your body begins to produce melatonin in the evening to help prepare you for sleep. This is a part of the body’s hormonal changes that work with your sleep-wake cycle, and as melatonin production begins, your core body temperature begins to drop. For this reason, sometimes mimicking a nighttime drop in body temp with a warm soak in the tub can trigger the brain’s message that signals it’s time for sleep. Baths are also notoriously relaxing, and an excellent way to unwind before bed.

Prep Your Bedroom

If you want to achieve restful and productive sleep, it helps to set yourself up for success. Prepare your bedroom to be the best possible environment for great sleep by removing clutter that can cause stress, keep it cool and dark, and ensure your bedding is comfortable and supportive.

Having the right setup is an imperative component of getting great sleep. Do you have the best possible bed and mattress combo for you? Great bedding? The right pillows? Check out our customizable adjustable beds by Flexabed if it’s time for an upgrade in that department.

These ways to wind down before bed can help you find a good nighttime rhythm that promotes better sleep on an ongoing basis. Figuring out a routine that works best for you, and tailoring it to your personal needs and preferences can make all the difference. We know once you get into the right bedtime habits, you’ll be so glad you did. Cheers to consistency, great sleep, and sweet dreams– especially in a Flexabed!

When the air grows chill and the darkness creeps in earlier each day, our thoughts naturally turn to the spookier side of life. While ghouls and goblins might haunt our dreams, a more common nocturnal terror can be just as frightening – those restless nights when we find ourselves “up at the witching hour,” tossing and turning instead of sleeping peacefully. Luckily, we have a magical solution for these nighttime woes that doesn’t involve a cauldron or spellbook: a trusty evening routine.

If you’ve ever experienced the dread of insomnia or midnight awakenings, an evening routine may be the solution you need for a full night’s rest. In this blog, we’ll explore different evening routines and how they can help you get to sleep and stay asleep. So don’t be afraid of the dark! Read our tips below to perfect your own evening routine and get some truly bewitching rest.

Do you often wake up at the witching hour? With a Flexabed and an evening routine, you can stay asleep all night

The Dreaded Witching Hour

Every one of us has experienced a night where we’re inexplicably awake at the witching hour. Maybe it’s the eerie silence or the howling wind outside that seems to conspire against our peaceful slumber. For some, this midnight wakefulness is a frequent occurrence. Be it stress, anxiety, or modern distractions like smartphones, there are many reasons behind these sleepless nights. Unfortunately, they come with a frightful toll on our well-being.

Interrupted sleep can leave us feeling drained, groggy, and zombie-like. Our ability to concentrate, our mood, and even our immune system can suffer from the lack of restorative rest. We can’t all be witches with the power to cast spells for deep sleep, but there’s a different kind of magic at our disposal – evening routines.

The Magic of Evening Routines

An evening routine is like a gentle enchantment that prepares your body and mind for a peaceful night’s slumber. By establishing a regular set of activities and habits before bedtime, you can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for rest. The science behind evening routines is simple but powerful. By consistently engaging in calming activities, you help lower your heart rate, reduce stress, and create an atmosphere conducive to sleep.

Some effective practices for evening routines include meditation, reading, journaling, or enjoying a warm cup of herbal tea. These rituals can soothe your senses and quiet the stresses of the day, paving the way for a peaceful night’s rest. It’s like casting a sleep spell around your bedtime!

A Sleep Spell for All Seasons

The beauty of an evening routine is that it’s entirely customizable. You can create your own ritual, ensuring it aligns with your unique sleep needs and preferences. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Set a Consistent Bedtime: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Plan the Next Day: If you’re often kept awake at night worrying about the next day, try creating a to-do list or schedule. This can help you feel in control of your daily activities and help reduce stress. Journaling can be a useful tool for reducing stress as well.

Unplug and Unwind: An hour before bedtime, put away the screens. The blue light from devices can disrupt your sleep. Instead, engage in relaxing activities like reading, gentle stretches, or practicing mindfulness.

Create a Comfort Zone: With a Flexabed, you can adjust the bed to the perfect position to enhance your comfort. Find that sweet spot where you feel most relaxed and at ease.

Dim the Lights: Lower the lights in your bedroom to signal to your body that it’s time to rest.

Avoid Heavy Meals and Stimulants: Try not to eat large meals or consume caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. These can disrupt your sleep.

Stay Active: Regular physical activity can improve the quality of your sleep. However, try not to exercise too close to bedtime, as it can have the opposite effect.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating an evening routine that works for you. If you need more inspiration for crafting your own dream routine, read these tips as well. Pairing these nightly rituals with a Flexabed will elevate your sleep experience even more so!

Crafting Your Enchanted Evening Routine with Flexabed

The witching hour doesn’t have to be a time of dread and restlessness. With a well-crafted evening routine, you can transform it into a time of deep, restorative sleep. Embracing your own sleep spell ensures that you wake up refreshed and ready to face each day. If you pair your bedtime ritual with a Flexabed adjustable bed, you’ll never need to be afraid of the dark!

With a Flexabed adjustable bed, you can enjoy the comfort and customization that elevates your sleep to a level that truly feels magical. With just the touch of a button, you can adjust your Flexabed to the perfect position needed for a blissful night’s rest. With several beds to choose from, Flexabed is here to make sure you get the most comfortable sleep possible.

Are you ready to embrace the magic of a restful night’s sleep? Explore our products and discover how a Flexabed adjustable bed can enhance your sleep experience. Sleep well, and may all your nights be enchanted, no matter the season.

There’s a crisp breeze in the air, the leaves are changing color, and the scent of pumpkin spice is in almost every coffee shop. There’s no denying it – fall has arrived! While many are out hunting for the best pumpkin in the patch or searching for the spookiest Halloween decorations, we celebrate the season a little differently. At Flexabed, we believe that fall is the season of coziness, and there’s no better place to get cozy than a comfortable adjustable bed.

In an adjustable bed, you can elevate your relaxation with ease. So light a scented candle, get some fluffy pillows, and let’s dive into all the ways you can achieve maximum coziness this fall in an adjustable bed.

With Flexabed, you can stay cozy all autumn long in a comfortable adjustable bed.

Sip, Snack and Relax in Comfort

Many of us spend all year waiting on fall’s return for one simple thing: seasonal treats and drinks. Savory soups and irresistible sweets make autumn even more special. Whether you prefer a bowl of chili, a slice of warm pumpkin pie, or a hot mug of apple cider, you should be able to easily enjoy fall foods in the comfort of your bed. With a comfortable adjustable bed, fall midnight snacking is as easy as… well, pie!

With just the touch of a button, you can effortlessly raise the head of your Flexabed to the perfect angle for savoring each delicious bite. You won’t have to worry about sitting at an awkward angle to prevent spills or crumbs in your bed, and you can feast on the season’s best treats in comfort.


Movie Marathons and Page Turners

Fall evenings are perfect for cozying up with a captivating book or enjoying a movie marathon. Nothing beats curling up with a comforting novel or watching an exciting film while the fall breeze brushes past your window. With a comfortable adjustable bed, you can get sucked into the stories without any back or neck pain.

With the ability to adjust the position of a Flexabed, you can find the perfect angle to support your back and neck, making those movie nights or reading sessions even more enjoyable. It’s the perfect way to escape into a world of imagination and relaxation during the autumn season.

Snuggle Up and Stay Close

Fall is a season for togetherness. Whether it’s watching the leaves fall from the trees, taking leisurely strolls through the park, or simply enjoying each other’s company, the cozy feeling of companionship is all around. If you and your partner have different sleep needs, that shouldn’t force you to sleep apart. With a split queen or split king Flexabed adjustable bed, you can snuggle up together as much as you like this season!

Each of you can independently adjust your side of the bed to find the perfect position, ensuring both of you have a restful and enjoyable night’s sleep. Snuggling up, chatting about your day, or simply holding hands in your comfortable adjustable bed can bring you closer this fall.

Embrace Fall with a Comfortable Adjustable Bed

As fall brings beautiful change and renewal, it’s the perfect time of year to embrace good change ourselves. Embrace more coziness and connection this season with a comfortable adjustable bed. From enjoying delicious fall snacks to immersing yourself in captivating stories or snuggling up with your special someone, an adjustable bed is your ticket to making the most of this enchanting season.

6 Tips to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up at Night

We’ve all been there. You toss. Turn. You can’t seem to turn off your brain. You worry about how much time you have left to get that much-needed rest. You stress about how the next day will go if you’re running on too few Zs. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to help promote a great night’s rest. There are several trusted tricks and tips to fall back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. Here are a few things to try next time sleep attempts to evade you.

1– Eliminate bright lights and sounds.

If you wake in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back asleep, try to turn off any lights in or around your bedroom that could be adding to your sleep disruption. Ambient light, light streaming in from windows, and LED light from screens can make it more difficult to fall back asleep. If sounds are a problem too, try earplugs, a fan, or other white noise machines to help drown out the sounds that are keeping you awake.

2– Get out of bed and move around.

Sometimes you just get stuck in a swirling headspace and can’t go back to sleep. If this happens to you, we recommend getting out of bed and going into another room for a while. You can try reading for a few minutes (with just enough light on to see the pages easily), or listen to music to wind back down. Music encourages our bodies to relax and can actually lull you back to sleep. Calming music is best, especially instrumental music like classical or jazz. 

You can also try meditating in another room to calm your senses. Taking deep breaths and clearing your mind can improve sleep. If you get up, make sure you don’t do anything stressful or laborious. Just give your body a chance to relax again before returning to your bed. If you wake up, it’s a good idea to get out of bed for a bit so your brain doesn’t begin to associate the bed with wakefulness.

3– Avoid your phone and other screens.

The blue light that smartphones and other electronic devices emit can actually suppress your body’s production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone your body produces that helps regulate circadian rhythm and sleep cycles. It’s best to try to avoid your cell phone and other screens when you wake in the night. You can also switch them to night mode to reduce your exposure to blue light should you need to check them. That said, looking at devices can also stimulate the brain again, keeping you in a state of unrest.

6 Tips to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up at Night

4– Avoid repeatedly checking the clock.

When you are already having a hard time falling back asleep, having staring contests with the clock is a bad idea. You’ll lose this content every time. Checking the time over and over again can make you feel anxious, which is counterproductive when you’re trying to drift back into restful sleep.

5– Intentionally relax your muscles.

One thing that can help you fall asleep more easily is performing a full-body scan of sorts. This trick is called progressive muscle relaxation. First, you close your eyes and focus on slow breathing. Think about your face, relaxing each muscle intentionally. Move down to the neck and shoulders and relax them, too. Continue systematically relaxing all the muscles in your body all the way down to your feet. The idea here is that you can lull yourself into such a relaxed state that you’ll eventually be able to fall back asleep.

6– Try sleep apps.

A lot of people find that using various sleep applications helps them fall asleep more quickly or fall back asleep after being awakened. These apps are designed to help you feel relaxed through stories, sounds, music, and other techniques. Many of them offer free trials to allow you to test their effectiveness before you commit. Here is a list by Good Housekeeping of the best sleep apps to download in 2023.

If you try out some of these tips, we hope they help you get better rest and deeper sleep. Of course, there are some sleep disorders that require medical expertise. In these cases, experts recommend seeing sleep specialists to find the underlying issues and get you on track to a better night’s rest.

In addition to finding what works best for you to help you get back to sleep after waking in the night, it’s also important to set yourself up for sleep success in every other way you can. One way to do this is by curating a peaceful sleep space with the perfect bed for you, your body, and your sleep needs. Check out our line of Flexabed adjustable beds, and start paving the way toward peaceful sleep today.

This month, we would like to touch on the unique features, sizes, and potential benefits of three Flexabed adjustable beds for seniors. The beds come with unique features, and the remotes they are equipped with offer functions that could greatly assist sleeping seniors. In addition, we offer six kinds of adjustable mattresses available, so we can truly tailor each part of the bed to best suit your needs.



Hi-Low SL Adjustable Beds for Seniors

Adjustable beds for seniors can elevate the sleeper’s head, which could help open up airways for you or a loved one to breathe better during the night. The Hi-Low SL has this functionality and the ability to lower to the ground for easy movement to and from the bed.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The base can be raised and lowered vertically with a touch of a button 
  • A mattress retainer cover for the foot of the bed
  • Sleep next to your loved one with the dual king or queen options
  • Whisper-quiet motors with optional, dual-timed massage
  • Choose from soft, medium, or firm construction
  • Variety of mattress options
  • Optional side rails
Mattress Sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, and Dual King
Length Options: 74, 80, and 84 Inch Lengths
Heights Available:

  • Standard: 13.25 inches, can be lifted to 20.75 inches with hand controls
  • Casters Removed: 11 inches, can be raised to 18.5 inches with hand controls
  • Fully Lowered, Casters Removed, Low Profile Mattress: 16.5 inches
  • Fully Lowered, With Casters, Low Profile Mattress: 18.75 inches
Remote Highlights: 

  • Your choice of one-touch wireless or wired controls
  • Easy push controls
  • Three programmable memory buttons (M1, M2, and M3) to save preferred bed settings to return to
  • A “LIGHT” button to turn the under-bed lighting on and off
  • A “FLAT” button to restore the bed to its neutral, flat position easily
  • Raise or lower the entire bed frame, just the head, or just the foot of the bed with easy touch controls. 
  • Massage ON/OFF
  • Massage Wave Mode Selector
  • Head Massage Intensity
  • Foot Massage Intensity



Premier Adjustable Beds for Seniors

Many customers purchase adjustable beds for seniors because of the helpful accessories. Our Premier bed option can be equipped with any of our add-ons. Easy Flexabed push button remote controls make it simple for sleepers to find the perfect position, and optional side rails can provide added security during the night.

What Makes it Unique:

  • Every amenity Flexabed offers can be added to the Premier model
  • Ideal bed for those in home healthcare or assisted living environments, a luxury alternative to hospital beds for home 
  • Sleep next to your loved one with the dual king or queen options
  • Whisper-quiet motors with optional, dual-timed massage
  • Choose from soft, medium, or firm construction
  • Variety of mattress options
  • Optional side rails
Mattress Sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, and Dual King
Length Options: 74, 80, and 84 Inch Lengths
Heights Available:

  • Standard: 13.25 inches, can be lifted to 20.75 inches with hand controls
  • Casters Removed: 11 inches, can be raised to 18.5 inches with hand controls
  • Fully Lowered, Casters Removed, Low Profile Mattress: 16.5 inches
  • Fully Lowered, With Casters, Low Profile Mattress: 18.75 inches
Remote Highlights: 

  • Your choice of one-touch wireless or wired controls
  • Easy push controls
  • Three programmable memory buttons (M1, M2, and M3) to save preferred bed settings to return to
  • A “LIGHT” button to turn the under-bed lighting on and off
  • A “FLAT” button to restore the bed to its neutral, flat position easily
  • Raise or lower the head or foot of the bed with easy touch controls
  • Massage ON/OFF
  • Massage Wave Mode Selector
  • Head Massage Intensity
  • Foot Massage Intensity



Value Flex Adjustable Beds for Seniors

Undoubtedly, one of the main reasons to purchase adjustable beds for seniors is so the sleeper can spend their time in bed in comfort. Even our most affordable option, the Value Flex, can provide luxurious rest. Some customers with back pain choose to sleep in a sloped position, whereas others like sleeping on an incline with support beneath their knees. Whatever position you like, an adjustable bed for seniors can get you there!

What Makes it Unique:

  • Most affordable adjustable bed frame
  • The ability to attach to existing headboards an adjustable bed frame
  • Hand-built to your specifications
  • A 2-inch foundation profile, high-density, heavy-duty padded base made with Advantech® material that will not warp, break or squeak
  • Whisper-quiet motor technology
  • An innerspring mattress in your choice of soft, medium, or firm construction
Mattress Sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, Dual Queen, and Dual King
Length Options: 74, 80, and 84 Inch Lengths
Heights Available:

  • Standard: 21 inches
  • Casters Removed: 19 inches
  • Optional Leg Extensions: raise in 1-inch increments from 2 to 7 inches
Remote Highlights: 

  • One-touch wired controls
  • Easy push controls
  • Three programmable memory buttons (M1, M2, and M3) to save preferred bed settings to return to
  • A “LIGHT” button to turn the under-bed lighting on and off
  • A “FLAT” button to restore the bed to its neutral, flat position easily
  • Raise or lower the head or foot of the bed with easy touch controls
  • Massage ON/OFF
  • Massage Wave Mode Selector
  • Head Massage Intensity
  • Foot Massage Intensity



Get your adjustable beds for seniors at Flexabed!

A doctor’s recommendation isn’t needed to warrant an adjustable bed. Perhaps you know someone who would like to watch TV or read in bed without craning their neck. An adjustable bed provides a comfortable position wherever the sleeper wants to go. That freedom of comfort is one of the many reasons seniors and their families come to Flexabed for adjustable beds.

Control your remote control bed with simple controls

We live in a time in which essentially everything can be automated, from programmable thermostats to smart lights to everything in between. Every household appliance can be as feature rich as you like. Robotic vacuum cleaners can keep floors tidy on a timer. So why is your bed still stationary and disenchanting? We’ve got 5 reasons why life is better with a remote control bed, and if you don’t have one already, we bet you’ll be shopping for them by the time you’ve finished reading this blog.

1– Comfort

When it comes to sleep, comfort matters. If you constantly toss and turn at night, and struggle to get into a comfortable position, that means you’re also missing out on quality sleep time in the process. When you have a remote control bed that is adjustable, you can tweak the settings to help you achieve the most comfortable positions whenever you need to, with the simple press of a button.

2– Convenience

Remote control beds are also incredibly convenient. Say you want to elevate your tired feet for a while– there’s a button for that! Perhaps you’d like to elevate your head so you can read for a while, or enjoy a movie before bed? You guessed it. There’s a button for that. It’s just so easy.

3– Improved Sleep

Many people with adjustable remote control beds also find that they are able to get better sleep in them than in their old, stationary counterparts. Some may find that they can alleviate snoring, or back pain, or even acid reflux by finding the right positions for sleep in their adjustable beds. Being able to achieve comfortable sleep positions can go a long way when it comes to getting the best rest you possibly can each night when you turn in.

With a remote control bed, you'll be sleeping in the lap of luxury

4– Usefulness

When you can easily configure the position and shape of your bed with a remote control, that bed actually becomes a lot more useful to you. You can sit up, you can lie down flat, you can try different combinations of adjustments, and you can do it all so simply. Your bed can double as an ultra-comfortable reading chair, a space to play board games with loved ones, a make-shift movie theater, and so much more.

5– Luxury

Rest is so important, and ultimately we all deserve access to rejuvenating restful sleep. A remote control bed is a luxury we at Flexabed think everyone should have, because what could be more important than healthy sleep? Having a luxurious, custom adjustable bed at home can also transform the way you think about bedtime. Perhaps having the right remote control bed will make it easier to prioritize the caliber of sleep your body needs and deserves to get every night? This may seem like a luxury, but it’s also incredibly necessary.

So, are you convinced yet? If you’re in the market for a new, cozy, custom, comfortable-as-can-be remote control bed, look no further than Flexabed. We manufacture a full line of mattresses, adjustable bed bases, and many accessories ready to be leveraged for your best sleep ever. Why not start now?

Did you know that adjustable beds can offer so much more than just a good night’s sleep? Want to binge-watch your favorite TV show? Find your angle for the perfect viewing position and get cozy. Let’s not forget about indulging in some breakfast in bed or enjoying a good book while you recline. With the ability to raise the head and foot of the bed, as even the height of the entire bed with our Hi-Low beds, the possibilities are endless! Here are a couple of our favorite activities to do in a Flexabed adjustable bed.

What's Your Activity?Sleeping

The most fun activity you can do in any bed is, of course, sleeping! By adjusting the position of the head and foot of the bed, you can find the most comfortable position for you. Whether you’re a back, side, or stomach sleeper, you are covered (quite literally)! An adjustable bed can make your sleep dreams a reality.


What's Your Activity?


Imagine snuggling up in your adjustable bed with your favorite book or magazine in hand. With just the push of a button, the head of your bed starts to rise until you’re sitting up comfortably, with the perfect angle to prevent any eye strain or neck pain. You get lost in the world of your story, feeling cozy and content. You can even use the same angle to knit, do the daily Wordle, or finish that sudoku puzzle. An adjustable bed is not just a bed, it’s a reading nook, a cozy hideout, and a place where you can unwind and relax.


What's Your Activity?Recovering After a Workout

After a grueling workout, when your aching muscles are screaming for relief, that’s when a Flexabed adjustable bed comes to the rescue. With the simple touch of a button, you can elevate your feet and legs which could help reduce swelling and improve circulation. Our ergonomic beds let you customize your post-exercise retreat so you can wake up refreshed and ready to crush the next session.


What's Your Activity?

Working Remotely

With the rise of remote work, more and more people are working from home. An adjustable bed can be a great option for those who work from home. No more hunching over your laptop or struggling to find a comfortable position. With an adjustable bed, you can customize the support for your back, shoulders, and neck, making those long hours with the computer feel a whole lot more comfortable. Say goodbye to back pain and hello to a productive workday from the comfort of your own bed!


What's Your Activity?

Watching TV

Who needs a couch when you could have an adjustable bed for TV watching? Say goodbye to neck strain and hello to the most comfortable TV-watching experience imaginable. Pop some popcorn, get cozy, and settle in for a night of binge-watching without the discomfort of a stiff neck. An adjustable bed isn’t just a luxury—it’s a game-changer for your favorite hobbies.


What's Your Activity?


Why not try breakfast in bed? And not just any bed, but a Flexabed adjustable bed! With the head of the bed raised up, you can sit up comfortably and enjoy your eggs and bacon without having to worry about spilling anything on your sheets. For those with mobility concerns, mealtimes can sometimes be challenging. Thankfully, an adjustable bed can make meals more accessible and comfortable. So grab your tray and dig in because breakfast just got a whole lot more fun!


What's Your Activity?


Do you do bedtime meditation to unwind after a long day and prepare for a restful night’s sleep? Thanks to the Flexabed mattresses and adjustable beds, you can find your zen anytime. Let the high-grade welded steel frames and mattress, with a firmness of your choosing, support you as you focus your mind and find your inner peace. Namaste!


What's Your Activity?Spending Time with Your Partner

With a split mattress, you can do all of the above without disturbing your partner’s side of the bed! Are you someone who loves to read before bed, but your partner prefers to immediately go to sleep? With the split mattress, you can read to your heart’s content with the back upright while your partner drifts off undisturbed and lying flat. Spending quality time with your special someone has never been more comfortable thanks to Flexabed split adjustable beds!


So What’s Your Activity?

So, if you are tired of propping yourself up with pillows to read or are annoyed by shifting around during work hours to find the perfect posture, consider an adjustable bed from Flexabed! With their ability to customize the position of your head and feet, an adjustable bed can cater to your every comfort need for any activity. Whether you’re snacking, meditating, or just lounging, an adjustable bed can provide the ideal level of support for your body. No matter what how you plan to use an adjustable bed, there’s an angle for you!

If you thought adjustable beds were only made for hospital stays, think again! With position adjustments to fit your needs, there’s an angle for everybody in a Flexabed adjustable bed. There’s no better feeling than ending the day with the comfort of personalized rest at an angle just right for you. Wondering which that might be? These are some of our fan-favorite angles personified!

What is your angle?

The Couple (Split Bed at Different Angles)

Having a split Flexabed adjustable bed is a game-changer for The Couple (especially if they aren’t on the same page regarding mattress firmness). If one partner likes a fluffier sleep setup and the other prefers a firm mattress, they no longer have to compromise! With two separate beds connected side-by-side, The Couple can make tweaks according to their own preferences without disturbing the other in any way. Plus, cuddle sessions are still possible – they just have to agree on an angle to meet at! A split adjustable bed is truly the best of both worlds: adjustable comfort for both partners.


What is your angle?

The Snorer (Head Slightly Elevated)

For the Snorer, a slight head raise could have a huge benefit! This is because sleeping with the head of a Flexabed adjustable bed positioned at a higher angle could help open up airways and reduce snoring associated with sleep apnea. Getting a good night’s sleep can feel like an uphill battle, so put that hill behind you with an adjustable bed! When Snorers are in bed at their preferred angle, they’re doing their bodies a favor.


What is your angle?

The Caretaker (Whole Bed Elevated or Lowered)

Going to great heights – or lows – can be a fantastic way to come to the aid of a loved one or patient in need. The Caretaker knows how tricky it can be to reposition someone with limited mobility into a comfortable position. It can take its toll on The Caretaker’s body as well. Thankfully, Flexabed Hi-Low adjustable beds are here to save the day! No more straining your back when lifting someone up, as you can just raise the bed up and meet them at their level. Not only that but if you opt for a low-profile mattress, you can even lower the bed as low as 16.5″! A Hi-Low adjustable bed eliminates all those struggles while providing you with worry-free convenience – what’s not to love?


What is your angle?

The Recoverer (Feet Elevated)

If you’re someone who enjoys an active lifestyle, aka The Recoverer, Flexabed adjustable beds have got your back – literally! We understand the importance of speedy muscle recovery. That’s why we offer an ergonomic bed that allows you to elevate the foot, reducing swelling to accelerate recovery. Not only that, but this special angle helps stimulate and improve circulation throughout the body and takes the pressure off your legs. This angle is perfect for hikers, cyclists, and runners who strive for post-exercise success, as well as those with varicose veins or lymphedema. Our adjustable beds serve our Recoverers as a positive step on their road to better performances!


What is your angle?

The Combination Sleeper (Varying Angles)

Sometimes our Combo Sleepers’ bodies struggle to decide how they want to sleep. That’s why they choose adjustable beds that are always ready to support whatever position they need! If one night a Combo Sleeper wants to sleep on their back, they can just recline it up and let firm cushioning take care of the rest. Then if the Combo Sleeper decides that sleeping on a side would be better, no worries! All it takes is one flick of a button, and poof, they are now a side sleeper supported by the Flexabed adjustable bed. Don’t fight what your body is telling you. Grab an adjustable bed and embrace the indecision!


What is your angle?

Those with Mobility Issues (Whole Bed Elevated or Lowered)

Those with mobility issues looking for an easier way to get out of bed also take advantage of our Hi-Low adjustable beds! The ability to raise or lower a bed can assist in transferring to mobility aids such as walkers, wheelchairs, or other power-driven devices with ease. Say goodbye to straining – Flexabed is here to help! Start each morning with peace of mind that routine transfers will be quick and easy with the assistance of a Hi-Low adjustable bed.


What is your angle?

The Luxury Sleeper (Any Combination of Angles and Heights)

The Luxury Sleeper is someone who loves the finer things in life. For those who value their own comfort, convenience, and good sleep, an adjustable bed is at the top of their shopping list! With state-of-the-art technology, Luxury Sleepers can easily elevate their head, feet, or both to any angle they choose. We all deserve a little luxury, so why not invest in a Flexabed adjustable bed that cares for you?


So What’s Your Angle?

No matter what that angle is, adjustable beds are a great investment if you’re looking to get some rest, possibly reduce pain, or up your wellness game. Our Flexabed adjustable beds come with customizable settings so you can find the perfect spot for you. There’s an angle to suit every individual, so give your sleep an upgrade!

Split California King Adjustable Bed

This Valentine’s Day, stay by your partner’s side in a split California king adjustable bed, one of our best adjustable beds for couples. This bed combines two twin adjustable bed bases with four inches of extra length (38”x84”) to create a 76”x84” bed crafted specifically for taller husbands or wives. Adjustable beds have become a popular solution for many people needing help with mobility, and the split California king adjustable bed is perfect for taller partners.

Independent controls allow each partner to adjust their own side to suit their needs. By providing each partner with their own mattress, a split king prevents motion transfer from tosses and turns on the other side. One partner’s restlessness needn’t keep the other one up anymore. Similarly, it is possible for one person to have their head slightly elevated while the other can sleep flat on their back. This is perfect for couples where one is a night owl who enjoys staying up reading or watching television while the other turns in early.

Support Your Partner with a Bed That Supports Them

At a glance, you might not even notice these beds are adjustable thanks to their classic design. This is especially true with the Premier model, which features Advantech® material that will not warp, break or squeak. Thick and luxurious, our Premier split California king adjustable beds feature a tack and jump pattern with a suede border and designer-taped edges. The mattresses stay in place thanks to a foot retainer and locking canisters, complete with a cover, helping to create a comfortable king-size sleeping area while also remaining visually appealing.

The Hi-Low SL model, our luxury alternative to a hospital bed, is a great solution for those that could use a little extra support from their bed. These models feature an adjustable height that makes it easier for one partner to transition the other in and out of bed. This type of bed can greatly improve a husband or wife’s quality of life, especially if their primary caregiver is their loved one right next to them.

Enjoy a Split California King Adjustable Bed for Couples

With Lifetime Limited Warranties, ergonomic one-touch wireless or wired controls that can operate whisper-quiet motors, and soft, medium, or firm mattress construction in a range of styles such as low profile, gel-infused memory foam, memory foam, latex, or a combination of innerspring and memory foam, any couple is sure to find the perfect bed for both sleepers (regardless of their height).

Flexabed’s split California king adjustable beds offer superior convenience and value while ensuring taller individuals receive the relief and support they need. Not only are they designed to blend in with any home environment, but they can also be adjusted to meet individual needs. Thanks to split California king adjustable beds, you won’t have to compromise your sleeping experience for the one you love!

Flexabed – Your Luxury At-Home Alternative

In most situations, a hospital bed isn’t necessary, but the features they provide sure would be nice. A Flexabed Hi-Lo adjustable bed is a luxury alternative to a hospital bed and may help improve comfort and relieve pain for you or your loved one. These beds could also provide multiple lifestyle benefits that could help improve your or your partner’s sleep.

A Better Solution Than Earplugs

Do you or your partner snore? It can be embarrassing for the snorer and infuriating for the partner. It even drives some couples to sleep apart for the sake of shut-eye. A big benefit to an adjustable bed is that it could help reduce snoring, all you have to do is elevate the position of the snorer’s head slightly. Snoring is caused by tongue and soft tissues narrowing airways, which easily happens when sleeping flat on a bed. Elevating the head enables air to flow more freely.

Hi Low Beds

Be More Comfortable Before Bed

If you enjoy watching TV before bed or reading a book while your partner sleeps in, you can do activities like these with ease on a Flexabed adjustable bed. Easily adjust the position of the bed to raise your head and see the television, and maybe also bring your feet up a little to reduce back pressure while you’re at it. No more straining your neck or shoulders when trying to relax, and no more strategically placed pillows.

Massages On-Demand

One luxury feature that a Flexabed offers that a hospital bed lacks is our optional massage add-ons. Recline in your adjustable bed and enjoy a massage while you unwind. Control the intensity of the massage with your remote control and feel your body loosen up after a long day at work. For split bases, couples have the benefit of personalized relaxation and massage options.

Some GERD News

If you or your partner has Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), a Flexabed Hi-Lo bed could be a good way to get a better night’s sleep. By sleeping with your head and body partially elevated, gravity will help keep your stomach down (literally) and could prevent heartburn. Or, if you regularly have swollen legs or feet, an adjustable base can adjust your position so your legs are slightly elevated.

Flexabed: Luxury Alternatives to a Hospital Bed

An adjustable bed could drastically change the way you sleep. If you’re looking for the best night of sleep possible, a Flexabed just might help you find it. To learn more, call us at (800) 648-1256 or send a message through the contact form on our site with any questions or concerns.

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