Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

You wouldn’t try to bake a cake without preheating the oven or jump into an intense workout without a warmup, so why go to bed without taking steps to adequately prepare yourself for restful, productive sleep? If you want to drift off to dreamland and get the most out of those (hopefully) eight blissful hours– try incorporating these ways to wind down before bed into your bedtime rituals.

Establish a Nightly Routine

Did you know that disruptions to your daily routine can affect the quality and duration of your sleep at night? What does getting ready for bed entail for you? Maybe you run through your skincare routine, read a little bit, or go through a guided meditation. Establishing a routine with patterns that help signal to the brain that it’s bedtime, can go a long way. Another great tip is to set a bedtime for yourself, and do your best to stick to it. We are creatures of habit, and our bodies respond well to healthy patterns we set for ourselves.

Really, the importance of a bedtime routine goes all the way back to childhood. Parents can attest that consistent bedtime routines have the power to relieve cranky infants, often helping children to fall asleep faster and wake up less often throughout the night.

Don’t Stare at the Clock

Believe it or not, obsessing about the time is not going to be a productive catalyst for great sleep. It’s best to turn your alarm clock away from you, or turn the brightness way down on your phone when you’re in bed, so you aren’t tempted to watch the time tick by.

Sleep Soundly with These Ways to Wind Down Before Bed

Focus on Your Breath

If you’re trying to get to sleep, but you’re feeling anxious or having a hard time relaxing, try some simple breathing exercises. Just a few minutes of slow, intentional breathing can work wonders for calming the mind and body. This is a great technique to employ in all sorts of scenarios, but can also be particularly helpful in winding down for bed. Ready to try it? Check out these simple breathing techniques for sleep.

Take a Warm Bath

Your body begins to produce melatonin in the evening to help prepare you for sleep. This is a part of the body’s hormonal changes that work with your sleep-wake cycle, and as melatonin production begins, your core body temperature begins to drop. For this reason, sometimes mimicking a nighttime drop in body temp with a warm soak in the tub can trigger the brain’s message that signals it’s time for sleep. Baths are also notoriously relaxing, and an excellent way to unwind before bed.

Prep Your Bedroom

If you want to achieve restful and productive sleep, it helps to set yourself up for success. Prepare your bedroom to be the best possible environment for great sleep by removing clutter that can cause stress, keep it cool and dark, and ensure your bedding is comfortable and supportive.

Having the right setup is an imperative component of getting great sleep. Do you have the best possible bed and mattress combo for you? Great bedding? The right pillows? Check out our customizable adjustable beds by Flexabed if it’s time for an upgrade in that department.

These ways to wind down before bed can help you find a good nighttime rhythm that promotes better sleep on an ongoing basis. Figuring out a routine that works best for you, and tailoring it to your personal needs and preferences can make all the difference. We know once you get into the right bedtime habits, you’ll be so glad you did. Cheers to consistency, great sleep, and sweet dreams– especially in a Flexabed!

Honor Your Resolutions in a Flexabed

If your new year’s resolution this year is to prioritize great sleep, our team at Flexabed is in full support. It’s no secret that healthy, restful sleep provides a whole host of both physical and mental benefits, and truthfully, getting great sleep can unlock success in a lot of other popular resolutions as well. Popular new year’s resolutions such as losing weight, improving fitness, running a marathon, or being more successful at work, are made all the more possible by consistent, rejuvenating sleep.
the Reap the Benefits of Adjustable Beds in a Flexabed

Achieve it in a Flexabed

When you’ve homed in on your resolution to prioritize getting better sleep, how will you go about accomplishing the task? We’ve got a few ideas that may help you in your goal, and the first one is– get the right bed. It’s important when establishing resolutions and personal goals that you do everything you can on the forefront to set yourself up for success. If you’re sleeping on an old mattress that needs to be replaced, odds are, you won’t be as apt to get that great rest you seek. That likely means it’s time to upgrade!

At Flexabed, our customizable adjustable beds have been providing sleep solutions for our customers for more than a half century. We know we make an incredible product, and we’re confident in its ability to elevate the caliber of sleep our customers are able to unlock for themselves each night. The customized comfort and easy-to-use controls of a Flexabed allow you to find your most comfortable sleep position and hopefully fall asleep faster, achieve critical REM sleep, and wake up less times throughout the night.

The Benefits of Adjustable Beds

Everyone is different and everyone has different sleep needs and preferences. That’s why Flexabed provides such flexibility to help sleepers access their perfect sleep positions. But in addition to making personal comfort more achievable, there are other potential benefits of adjustable beds that may also aid in one’s ability to get great, restful sleep at night. It’s possible for adjustable beds to help with issues like snoring, acid reflux, and even back pain– all of which can serve as hindrances to sound sleep. The fact of the matter is, in some cases, just the simplest of adjustments can make all the difference, and have you sleeping better in no time.

The Joy of Sleep

There’s no denying that we are much more likely as humans to do things we enjoy doing. For that reason, perhaps it’s time for you to put the joy back in sleeping by purchasing a bed you really love. Updating your bedroom with a new sleep set up can also serve to inspire you to prioritize sleep more. When your room, and more specifically your bed, is a place you look forward to spending time, you’ll be more likely to turn in early at night, and make the time and space you need in your schedule to get the best possible sleep. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of adjustable beds while also resolving to get better sleep, make it all happen in a Flexabed! Check out our line of adjustable beds and our various mattress options to figure out what makes most sense for you. Here’s to making and keeping resolutions, and sleeping like babies.

When the air grows chill and the darkness creeps in earlier each day, our thoughts naturally turn to the spookier side of life. While ghouls and goblins might haunt our dreams, a more common nocturnal terror can be just as frightening – those restless nights when we find ourselves “up at the witching hour,” tossing and turning instead of sleeping peacefully. Luckily, we have a magical solution for these nighttime woes that doesn’t involve a cauldron or spellbook: a trusty evening routine.

If you’ve ever experienced the dread of insomnia or midnight awakenings, an evening routine may be the solution you need for a full night’s rest. In this blog, we’ll explore different evening routines and how they can help you get to sleep and stay asleep. So don’t be afraid of the dark! Read our tips below to perfect your own evening routine and get some truly bewitching rest.

Do you often wake up at the witching hour? With a Flexabed and an evening routine, you can stay asleep all night

The Dreaded Witching Hour

Every one of us has experienced a night where we’re inexplicably awake at the witching hour. Maybe it’s the eerie silence or the howling wind outside that seems to conspire against our peaceful slumber. For some, this midnight wakefulness is a frequent occurrence. Be it stress, anxiety, or modern distractions like smartphones, there are many reasons behind these sleepless nights. Unfortunately, they come with a frightful toll on our well-being.

Interrupted sleep can leave us feeling drained, groggy, and zombie-like. Our ability to concentrate, our mood, and even our immune system can suffer from the lack of restorative rest. We can’t all be witches with the power to cast spells for deep sleep, but there’s a different kind of magic at our disposal – evening routines.

The Magic of Evening Routines

An evening routine is like a gentle enchantment that prepares your body and mind for a peaceful night’s slumber. By establishing a regular set of activities and habits before bedtime, you can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for rest. The science behind evening routines is simple but powerful. By consistently engaging in calming activities, you help lower your heart rate, reduce stress, and create an atmosphere conducive to sleep.

Some effective practices for evening routines include meditation, reading, journaling, or enjoying a warm cup of herbal tea. These rituals can soothe your senses and quiet the stresses of the day, paving the way for a peaceful night’s rest. It’s like casting a sleep spell around your bedtime!

A Sleep Spell for All Seasons

The beauty of an evening routine is that it’s entirely customizable. You can create your own ritual, ensuring it aligns with your unique sleep needs and preferences. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Set a Consistent Bedtime: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Plan the Next Day: If you’re often kept awake at night worrying about the next day, try creating a to-do list or schedule. This can help you feel in control of your daily activities and help reduce stress. Journaling can be a useful tool for reducing stress as well.

Unplug and Unwind: An hour before bedtime, put away the screens. The blue light from devices can disrupt your sleep. Instead, engage in relaxing activities like reading, gentle stretches, or practicing mindfulness.

Create a Comfort Zone: With a Flexabed, you can adjust the bed to the perfect position to enhance your comfort. Find that sweet spot where you feel most relaxed and at ease.

Dim the Lights: Lower the lights in your bedroom to signal to your body that it’s time to rest.

Avoid Heavy Meals and Stimulants: Try not to eat large meals or consume caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. These can disrupt your sleep.

Stay Active: Regular physical activity can improve the quality of your sleep. However, try not to exercise too close to bedtime, as it can have the opposite effect.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating an evening routine that works for you. If you need more inspiration for crafting your own dream routine, read these tips as well. Pairing these nightly rituals with a Flexabed will elevate your sleep experience even more so!

Crafting Your Enchanted Evening Routine with Flexabed

The witching hour doesn’t have to be a time of dread and restlessness. With a well-crafted evening routine, you can transform it into a time of deep, restorative sleep. Embracing your own sleep spell ensures that you wake up refreshed and ready to face each day. If you pair your bedtime ritual with a Flexabed adjustable bed, you’ll never need to be afraid of the dark!

With a Flexabed adjustable bed, you can enjoy the comfort and customization that elevates your sleep to a level that truly feels magical. With just the touch of a button, you can adjust your Flexabed to the perfect position needed for a blissful night’s rest. With several beds to choose from, Flexabed is here to make sure you get the most comfortable sleep possible.

Are you ready to embrace the magic of a restful night’s sleep? Explore our products and discover how a Flexabed adjustable bed can enhance your sleep experience. Sleep well, and may all your nights be enchanted, no matter the season.

Flexabed, A Hospital Bed Alternative for Your Home

Find the Perfect Recliner Bed with Flexabed

A hospital bed for the home could help you or a loved one get the most regenerative rest possible after an injury or in-patient stay. If you’re adapting to mobility limitations, an adjustable bed might help you enjoy improved health and increased independence.

Provide safety for yourself or a loved one.

Flexabeds are home hospital beds that, unlike traditional beds, are designed to be compatible with other health care devices. Our beds make transferring to a wheelchair, reaching a bedside table, or getting to your mobility aid safer and more secure. Safety features like half-rails or full-rails can also be installed. These features lower the risk of falls and the complications they bring!

How does a hospital bed for the home help?

Not only could a hospital bed provide more safety than a traditional bed, but it also makes it easier to get in and out of bed too. Hospital beds have wheels so the bed can be moved to any area of the home. They also feature locks to make them stationary when they’ve reached their destination.

What are other differences from traditional beds?

Hospital beds for the home are equipped with unique hospital-grade mattresses that reduce the risk of pressure sores and ulcers. Their adjustability makes them more appropriate than a traditional bed, providing comfort and support while giving caregivers more options for delivering quality care.

Maximize your recovery with a hospital bed for home.

Sound sleep improves intellectual function, alertness, and mood. During a complete sleep cycle, your sleeping brain recovers from the stresses of daily life. Proper sleep contributes to feeling more attentive and upbeat while combating medical challenges. Explore our Flexabed accessories in order to make your hospital bed for the home best suit your specific needs.

Side Sleeping in an Adjustable Bed

One of the most common sleeping positions is on one’s side. It’s a misconception that using an adjustable bed won’t work if this is your favorite sleeping position.

Are adjustable beds good for side sleeping?

Buying an electric bed that’s adjustable makes perfect sense if you fall asleep on your back, but you may be more comfortable resting on your side, especially if this offers relief from acid reflux, heartburn, or hernias. Side-sleeping can also offer the best rest for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, as well as for sleepers who experience neck and back pain. Side sleeping is also preferred for a lot of pregnant women.

The Pressure Point Factor

Flat beds can lead to shoulder, hip, or neck pain as these muscle groups bear the pressure of the body’s weight at contact points. An adjustable bed with a mattress that contours to the shape of the body can eliminate pressure from the hips and shoulders, providing better alignment for the head and spine. Elevating the feet can potentially help to better regulate blood flow, giving the feet a break after bearing the brunt of our body weight throughout the majority of the day. Many people use pillows to even things out and relieve unwanted pressure while sleeping in a regular bed, so it only stands to reason that being able to adjust the bed itself is an upgrade from that set up.

Adjust for YOUR Personal Comfort

Side Sleeping in an Adjustable Bed

So are adjustable beds really good for side sleepers? They can be if they use the remote control to raise the head of their adjustable bed until achieving the most comfort, bending the knees slightly and possibly raising the feet slightly.

Most of the promotional imagery you’ll find for adjustable beds shows someone sleeping on their back, but this is mostly to illustrate how the elevated head or foot realign the body of someone, cradling them while they sit up to watch television. The reality is that adjustable beds are not necessarily best suited for any specific sleeping position– just the one you find most comfortable for you. That’s one of their main selling points. You adjust it to whatever you find most relaxing so you can get a restful night of sleep, and wake feeling refreshed.

Flexabed adjustable beds offer a great option for any style sleeper, side sleepers included, and part of the reason why is that they are so customizable. Not only can you configure the bed the way you want with the simple push of a button on the remote control, but also you can literally have the bed built to your exact preferences, choosing the mattress type you prefer, upgrading with any add ons you like, and even choosing the split king option if you and your partner have different sleep needs and preferences.

Get the Customized Support You Need

Flexabed adjustable beds, like the Hi-Low, can be raised and lowered to achieve the desired height off the ground, and give you a choice of soft, medium, or firm construction mattress wise. Adjustable bed mattresses for the Hi-Low come in low profile, gel-infused memory foam, memory foam, latex, or combination innerspring/memory foam. The memory foam mattress cradles the body, easing the strain on pressure points regardless of sleeping position. It’s easy to feel your body “melt” into the mattress. Side sleepers, let it be known that Flexabed adjustable beds are perfect for any sleeping position, including side sleeping. You can learn even more about our different mattress options through our site.

To learn more, call us at (800) 648-1256, send a message through the contact form on our site with any questions or concerns.

Sleep Deprivation Horror Stories

Sleep Deprivation Horror Stories– Sleep So Bad It’s SCARY

You tossed and turned all night long. You twisted and writhed under the covers trying your best to get comfortable. You obsessively checked the glowing numbers on the clock, and your mounting dread for the following day threatened to eat you alive. We’ve all got sleep deprivation horror stories, and we all know what happens when we fail to get the sleep we need to function. Defeated, you drag yourself from bed at the rude blaring of your alarm, and you proceed to zombie your way through your daily tasks.

We’ve all been there. The effects of even just one night of minimal, poor quality sleep are glaring. You may feel drowsy during the day, lack energy, experience slowed thinking, and even have an irritable mood that affects your interactions with loved ones or coworkers. Sleep deprivation is no joke, and according to the American Sleep Apnea Association, an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and socioeconomic classes are affected by sleep-related problems, such as sleep deprivation.

What is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation simply means getting less than the necessary amount of sleep, which for adults, ranges from seven to nine hours per night. That said, when it comes to great restful sleep, it’s not all about quantity. For that reason, the terms sleep deficiency or sleep insufficiency are often used to describe the factors that keep a person from waking up feeling rested and refreshed.

Sleep deprivation horror stories

Types of Sleep Deprivation

The sleep deprivation a person experiences can be broken down into different categories based on circumstances, primarily the duration of the person’s lack of sleep.

Acute Sleep Deprivation Acute sleep deprivation refers to a short period of time, generally a few days or less, during which a person experiences a significant reduction in the amount of sleep achieved.

Chronic Sleep Deprivation Also known as insufficient sleep syndrome, chronic sleep deprivation is defined as curtailed sleep persisting for three months or more.

Chronic Sleep Deficiency– This can describe ongoing sleep deprivation or insufficient sleep that occurs as a result of sleep fragmentation or other disruptions.


Sleep Deprivation Symptoms

The obvious signs of sleep deprivation include excessive sleepiness during the day, as well as reduced ability to concentrate, slowed thinking, and sometimes even mood changes. The lack of sleep can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Slowed cognitive thinking
  • Reduced attention span
  • Lack of energy
  • Worsened ability to remember things
  • Poor or risky decision making
  • Feelings of stress, anxiety, or irritability

Symptoms are affected by the extent and duration of a person’s experience with sleep deprivation, and their consequences can be serious.

Chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to various health issues, as healthy sleep plays a vital role in the functioning of essentially all systems within the human body. Studies suggest that sleep deprivation can potentially contribute to issues like:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal abnormalities
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Mental health disorders

Sufficient sleep is necessary for us to feel our best as we move throughout our days, and it’s also an imperative piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving our greatest personal health. It’s important in terms of quality of life as well. In addition to having far-reaching effects on the person affected, sleep deprivation in general has a profound effect on society at large. For instance, according to the CDC, as many as 6,000 deaths each year are the result of drowsy drivers. Additionally, sleep deprivation has been estimated to contribute to hundreds of billions of dollars in added healthcare costs. Talk about scary!

If you’re experiencing sleep deprivation yourself, talk to your doctor. You may also consider upgrading your sleep set up with the perfect adjustable bed custom-tailored to your specific sleep needs. Find one today through Flexabed!

Sleep Health 101– The Importance of Sleep

Sleep, great sleep, is one of the best things we can do for our minds and bodies. That said, even though we understand the importance of sleep, actually achieving it isn’t always easy for everyone. In fact, if you’re an adult human, you’ve more than likely had at least the occasional night of tossing and turning while sleep evades you. For some folks, sleep disturbance is minor and rare, but for others it can be quite life altering. That said, learning about the basics of sleep, and some suggestions for how you might improve your sleep patterns is a good idea regardless of which end of the spectrum you’re on.

Understanding Sleep Stages

Sleep can be broken down into two main stages known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. About 75-80% of our sleep is categorized as non-REM sleep, and is broken down into four additional stages called N1, N2, N3, and N4.

N1– This stage is characterized by very light sleep, and it typically serves as a bridge to the deeper sleep stages that should follow.

N2– Deeper than N1, this sleep stage is harder to wake from, and makes up about 40 to 50% of a night’s sleep in healthy adults.

N3 and N4– This is the sleep stage in which sleep is the deepest, and is thought to be the stage in which the body restores and rebuilds itself.

Then there is REM sleep, which is characterized by rapid eye movements and the stage in which most dreaming occurs. The heart rate and breathing become less regular, and there is also increased blood flow to the brain. Also interesting fact, our bodies go into a sort of state of relative paralysis which prevents us from trying to physically act out our dreams as they occur. We may also notice during this stage of sleep that our faces, fingers, and legs twitch from time to time, which is totally normal.

The Adult Sleep Cycle

When it comes to adults and healthy sleep, the non-REM and REM sleep stages occur in consistent cycles that are predictable and even. Sleep generally begins with non-REM sleep in which our bodies transition from wakefulness to the N1 stage outlined above. This generally takes 30 minutes or less. Then we pass through a longer period of N2 stage sleep, then into stage N3. Generally about 70 to 90 minutes into sleep is when the first REM sleep period occurs. Then for the rest of the night, REM sleep alternates between the various stages of non-REM sleep, usually in approximately 90 minute cycles.

The positive thing to take away from this is that even folks who have trouble sleeping can still get access to the most restorative stage of sleep. The deepest sleep, N3, typically occurs early in the sleep cycle, so even if you are getting less sleep than is ideal, you are still able to tap into that beneficial stage in which your body recoups.

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep Health 101– The Importance of Sleep

We all know that sleep is vital to our health, but when it comes to the importance of sleep, have we really taken time to delve into the whys? Good sleep supports our brains. Sleep boosts our ability to learn, memorize things, and make logical choices in our everyday lives. It also helps to recalibrate the emotional brain circuits which are crucial to helping us navigate and manage future social and psychological scenarios with the necessary composure.

Sleep is also critical for repairing our immune systems, which in turn helps us ward off sickness and infection. Sleep helps regulate appetite, control body weight, lowers blood pressure, and even impacts cardiovascular health.

So now that we better understand sleep cycles, REM sleep, and why this restorative act is so vital to our wellbeing, what do we do with that? Prioritize great sleep. Set a goal to sleep well and get enough sleep each night. And in the meantime, try these tips for falling asleep faster to make the most of those nighttime hours. It’s also important to invest in the best as far as bedding goes. Is it time to upgrade your sleep set up? Check out our full line of custom Flexabed adjustable beds, and start sleeping better now.

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